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Direct Path from Data to Insight

Sales presentation for data analytics platform




Incorta's sales team wanted to unify different sales stories into a consistent narrative about how they power insights for their customers.


Crafted a narrative that unified all of Incorta's value propositions into a single word: "direct"


Defining "who" has "what" problem

User stories were used to map the customer concerns and the problems that Incorta solved were ranked accordingly. This gave us the clarity to distil Incorta's key benefits.
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"Direct" as key positioning

Previous narratives were split between different benefits. We needed a way to unify this into a single narrative. Borrowing "direct" from Incorta's proprietary "direct data mapping" was a way to do just that. It served as a central idea that unified all of Incorta’s benefits - speed, integration, and responsiveness.
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Storytelling with metaphors

Sight was used as a metaphor to frame the problem and position Incorta as the solution. Instead of going through many lenses to get insights, Incorta offered a direct line of (in)sight.

Amazing as always. Sean can quickly understand your business, target audience, and craft a message along with incredible design to create captivating presentations.

Tom Strachan
Former Sales Executive, Incorta

Tell a compelling sales story

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